Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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147 lines
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Copyright (C) 1985 24 Karat Consulting }
{ 4702 S. Alaska St. }
{ Seattle, Washington 98118 }
{ }
{ These Turbo Pascal functions can be used to search the DOS environment }
{ area. }
{ }
{ ENVSTR returns a Turbo string containing the DOS environment area. }
{ }
{ NEXTENVSTR returns the next string (keyword and value) in the environment, }
{ starting at the index passed. }
{ }
{ READENV returns a string whose value is the current environment setting }
{ for the keyword passed, or a null string if the keyword is not }
{ found. }
{ }
{ Typical environment keywords are PATH (the DOS search path) and COMSPEC }
{ (the name of the command processor). Remember that the environment passed }
{ to a program is a READ-ONLY copy of the real DOS environment...thus you }
{ can't put new strings in from an executing program to be read by }
{ another...but you can use it to communicate between two separate programs. }
{ The Pascal statements to use these functions are: }
{ }
{ StringVar := EnvStr; (* move environment into string *) }
{ StringVar := ReadEnv(KeywordName); (* read environment for a key *) }
{ StringVar := NextEnvStr(Env,N); (* read string in environment, *) }
{ (* starting at N *) }
{ e.g., }
{ Type }
{ Lstr = string[255]; }
{ Var }
{ Env, }
{ Works : lstr; }
{ Worki : integer; }
{ begin }
{ Env := EnvStr; }
{ writeln('Value for COMSPEC is ',ReadEnv('COMSPEC')); }
{ Worki := 1; }
{ writeln('Environment settings are: '); }
{ repeat }
{ Works := NextEnvStr(Env,Worki); }
{ if length(Works) > 0 then writeln(Works) }
{ until length(Works) = 0 }
{ end; }
{ }
{ The DOS command to put variables into the environment is: }
{ SET keyword=value }
{ Keywords are stored uppercase, but their values are stored as is. You can }
{ use this (undocumented) feature in .BAT files to read environment }
{ variables: }
{ }
{ ECHO The value of COMSPEC is %COMSPEC% }
{ }
{ that is, enclose the environment variable name in %'s to read its value. }
{ }
{ WARNING: These functions assume an environment area of not more than 255 }
{ bytes; that is, the size of a Turbo string. DOS sets up an initial }
{ environment area of 127 bytes. DOS will expand this dynamically when you }
{ use the SET command for more environment variables, and more space is }
{ needed. (This only applies to SET commands issued at the DOS prompt, not }
{ from within .BAT files). However, if you have installed any resident }
{ routines, you can't expand the environment area any further. There are }
{ several public domain routines to get around this limitation...however, }
{ this routine assumes you haven't got more than the 255 bytes that Turbo }
{ can handle in a string. If you do, don't use this routine. }
{ }
{ This routine has been placed in the Public Domain by the author and copies }
{ may be freely made for non-commercial, demonstration, or evaluation }
{ purposes. If you use this routine in a program for sale or for commercial }
{ purposes, please send money ($2 to $5 would be sufficient) to the address }
{ above; or if you make some wonderful correction or enhancement, please }
{ notify us at the same address. Thank you. }
{ }
{ Turbo Pascal is a Copyright of Borland International Inc. }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
lstr = string[255];
function EnvStr: lstr;
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ This function returns a string containing the DOS environment. }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
i : integer;
ev : integer absolute cseg:$002c; { pointer to environment in PSP }
evstr: lstr;
i := 0; { find real length of environment }
while memw[ev:i] <> 0 do i := i+1; { 2 null bytes ends the environment }
if i > 255 then i := 255; { limit of Turbo string length }
Move(mem[ev:0],evstr[1],i+1); { move used bytes to Turbo string }
evstr[0] := chr(i+1); { and set length field }
function NextEnvStr(evstr: lstr; var strt: integer): lstr;
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ This function gets the string starting at STRT in EVSTR, delimited by }
{ CHR(0). A null string returned indicates the end of the environment. }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
lst : lstr;
i : integer;
i := strt;
if i > 1 then delete(evstr,1,i-1); { remove unneeded part of string }
i := pos(chr(0),evstr); { find the next null char }
if i < 2 then evstr := '' { 1-end of env; 0-ERROR!! }
else begin
move(evstr[1],lst[1],i-1); { move string to temp string }
lst[0] := chr(i-1); { set string length field }
strt := strt+i; { increment next field starting pos }
evstr := lst { return string }
function ReadEnv(keyword: lstr): lstr;
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ This function looks in the DOS environment for KEYWORD, and returns its }
{ current value. If KEYWORD isn't found, a null string is returned. }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
i,lp : integer; { work variables }
evarea, { Turbo string for environment }
estr : lstr;
for i := 1 to length(keyword) do
keyword[i] := UpCase(keyword[i]); { environment parms are uppercase}
if keyword[length(keyword)] <> '=' then { environment format is: }
keyword := keyword + '='; { KEYWORD=value }
lp := Length(keyword); { get length of parameter }
evarea := EnvStr; { get DOS environment into string}
i := 1; { set index to start at 1 }
estr := NextEnvStr(evarea,i); { get first environment string }
while (estr <> '') and { null string means exhausted search }
(Copy(estr,1,lp) <> keyword) do { if it's not our keyword, skip it, }
estr := NextEnvStr(evarea,i); { and extract the next string }
if estr <> '' then { we found the string requested }
Delete(estr,1,lp); { remove the KEYWORD= part }
ReadEnv := estr; { set return value }